Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Collin-6 Months Old

I'm so embarrassed. I was really behind on Collin's monthly posts. He keeps me so busy and I'm exhausted at the end of the day so these posts get put on the back burner. But! Now I'm caught up. Here's to keeping up to date!

Dear Collin,

Oh my oh my. You have been keeping me very busy this month! You have learned all sorts of new skills and are no longer content to be in one spot. You are on the move mister. You learned to sit up all by yourself! But the biggest most craziest trick you learned this month was...... crawling! I am shocked and astonished that my little baby is already crawling. You want so badly to keep up with your big brother that you use every waking minute to practice your mobility skills. Boy, you are a quick learner. One week you were on your knees, rocking and trying to figure out the hand coordination and the next week you were full on crawling. This new skill has changed our house forever. I have to trap you in your play pen if I need to step away for a minute. You are not pleased with this arrangement. You still enjoy jumping in the jumper but not for long. You'd much rather be on the ground looking for your next adventure.

You are so fun to watch. You sit up, look around the room to see where all the exciting stuff is, assess your priorities and dart toward your destination. You love to get into Evan's stuff, of course. You are a busy baby, for sure. All the excitement from your new found freedom has made it even more difficult for you to settle down for naps and to sleep at night. I rock and nurse you and that seems to do the trick. You still wake up only once at night to eat, but I've stopped bringing you back to bed with me to nurse because you kick and squirm and sit up at 5 am and that's not nice.
Our days are packed with play, singing and dancing, chasing big brother around the house and venturing outside. You are really starting to like riding in the stroller. When you and Evan are riding in the double stroller, you reach over to him and pull his shirt or hair and you try to take his toys. It's hilarious!
You are talking a lot more which is neat to hear. You laugh and squeal and hum. I like to listen to you through the baby monitor just after you wake up because you talk to yourself for a bit. 
Oh my boy, these 6 months have been a dream. You are so awesome and I'm loving every minute of it.



Monday, September 10, 2012

Collin-5 Months Old

Dear Collin,

My sweet little baby is changing and growing so quickly. I blink my eyes and you discover something new, it's amazing. I'm late writing your 5 month post because there have been some changes going on around the house. This month I left my job to stay home with you and Evan. We are trying to find our groove and our days have been full.
This month you have discovered your ability to protest. I mean really protest. You speak your mind and tell us like it is. You don't like when we leave the room. If I put you in your jumper and walk away to get a drink or do the dishes, you yell and holler to let me know this is no longer an acceptable arrangement. Putting a diaper on you is now the most difficult task EVER. You squirm and roll all over. We are quickly saying goodbye to the days where you mostly stay put. You are developing your skills in mobility more quickly than I like. Already you make your way over to Evan and wreck his cars. It's the beginning of brotherly love.
You are sleeping pretty nicely at night but it's hard to get you to settle down to go to sleep. You refuse to call it a night before 8:15. You are chewing on everything. You love to watch Evan and he makes you laugh. Bath time is really tough because you splash a ton of water out of the tub (we still do your bath in the sink) and we get soaked every time.
I think our days of quiet, immobile baby are gone. It will be exciting to watch you move through the next milestones but don't grow up too fast!

Mama Loves You

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Collin-4 Months Old

My Dearest Collin,

You are such a good baby. This month you really began exploring the world around you. It has been so much fun watching you play and move. You love to play with your crunchy book and are grabbing, like crazy, at the hanging toys on your carseat and bouncy chair. You roll around a bunch and most enjoy being on your belly and pushing up. I noticed you like tv a lot....we also tried out the jumper this month and it's a success! You are really getting the hang of jumping.
At your 4 month doctor appointment you weighed in at just under 15 pounds. You are in the 76th percentile for height! The doctor was impressed at how strong you are and that you already roll from back to front and front to back. We are still going strong in the nursing department. You are growing like crazy and the time is flying by. Soon enough you'll be running around the house with Evan.
Something really exciting happened! You laughed. Like a real bubbly, adorable laugh. Grandma, Dad, Evan and I can all make you laugh by pretending to sneeze or smiling at you. It warms my heart each time I hear it. I see the bond between you and Evan growing each day as you begin to interact. Evan brings his toys to you and plays right next to you. You stare at him with amazement and awe.
Thank you for being such a cool little one. I so enjoy our snuggles. Now, on to month 5!

Love always,


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Collin-3 Months Old

My Dearest Collin,

You are such an amazing baby. Your personality is just like Dad's. You are calm, adaptive, observant, patient and, of course, adorable. Our time together during my maternity leave from work has been perfect. I have enjoyed our time together. We do everything together and you are a great little side kick. We go to the mall, grocery shopping and on walks and you never express anything but joy and happiness.
This month you really got strong. You can hold your head up super steady and you get way up on your hands or elbows when you are on your belly. You really love being in your baby gym either on your belly working out those arms or on your back kicking your legs and waving your arms like crazy. It's so much fun to watch you.
You are smiling a lot and respond to us when we talk to you. Your smiles are these big open mouthed smiles that can bad days disappear. We have conversations where I ask you a question and you coo back and it's the sweetest sound ever. 

You are totally getting big. I mean super tall. I'm guessing you are about 14 pounds now. You recently had a growth spurt where you grew out of size one diapers and 3 month clothing. I had to dig out the 6 month clothes because you were stretching the 3 month ones to their limits! It's neat to see you change and grow. Another big development: you are deliberately reaching for and grasping toys. It's fun to watch how focused you get when you want to grab something. You are totally into your hands now. Eating them, waving them, grabbing my hair and necklace etc. 
You are such a cool kid. You are so much fun and soooo adorable!

Love you lots,


Saturday, May 5, 2012

What's New

Hi there,

I started a new blog a few weeks ago! I needed a fresh start. It's more general and mom based. I'm keeping it really simple and straight. I'm going to keep My Sunshine going as well, with a focus on my family and experiences and stories, more of a journal, if you will. My new blog, The Dizzy Mom will be more inspirational, instructive and idea driven. I'll be writing about things related to the crazy lives mom's lead including categories like kids, finances, the home, food and more. I hope you'll pop over and check it out!



P.S Here is my first post

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