Friday, March 25, 2011

Rude Awakening

So. I wake up this morning at around 4:00 and I get up to use the bathroom. It's dark still and I am walking half asleep. In my bathroom there is a door to the toilet "room" so it is separate from the sink and shower area. I still can't believe it....

I walked into the full force walked into it and hit my head on the door and it bounces back almost giving me whiplash. I was stunned. I didn't reach out to check the door because I thought I was already in the toilet area. It hurt but I had to laugh. John woke up and laughed at me, too! Then, later today, I tell my mom and she laughed at me, too!

 It was a rude awakening.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Oh my....I think I have a problem. I need an intervention. I am obsessed with paint, paint colors and paint samples. I have become so involved in finding the right beige, taupe and tan that it has consumed me. I think it about it when I wake up in the morning, when I am driving, when I am working and even in the shower.

The story:

We have an open floor plan where our kitchen, dining room and living room are all in this huge open space. It feels so disconnected because we had different areas painted different (non-complementary) colors. So we decided that we wanted to paint the whole space one neutral color to have the space flow and become connected. We both really like the Sand White (from Glidden) that we have painted on one wall already so we agreed that that should be the color for the whole space. Plus,  I am obsessed with Young House Love and inspired to use them as a model.

2 weeks ago John primed the kitchen and dining room. Then John and I painted for 3 nights in a row after Evan went to sleep. Then....I decided I didn't like the color. I scowled when I looked at it. So, I start scouring the internet for perfect neutrals, I head to the home improvement stores for paint chips and samples...this week I have picked up a paint sample EVERYDAY after work. Then John and I start sifting through my growing collection of samples only to find that I brought home samples that are exactly the same as ones that I purchased last year...I have a problem.

Each day I find pics on the internet with THE PERFECT paint color and become very excited that I have finally found the right color. I go pick up a sample, paint it on the wall only to find that I HATE it. I am driving my poor husband nuts. So, tonight I agreed that we would keep the original color but get a different sheen. Right now it's a semi-gloss and it's much too shiny for me. I have gotten use to the color over the passed 2 weeks and it's growing on me. It's good to get out of my comfort zone and explore. It was very hard for me and I felt desperate to find something that was closer to what I'm use to.'s just paint! Clearly I need to loosen up a bit and just go with it.

So, we will complete this little project this weekend. I can't post before pics because of sheer embarrassment. Just think paint splotches of various shades of tan, taupe and beige splattered everywhere.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My boy has been really diligent in learning how to crawl. Tonight he actually crawled to a bowl of spaghetti (his favorite!). John set it in front of Evan just out of reach and Evan saw it and kicked into overdrive. He kicked out his right leg and used it to push off and he was able to coordinate his hands to move forward. It was so cool to watch. Once Evan reached the bowl, John moved it just out of reach again and, of course, Evan didn't like the game after a while. So, John sat him up and he was rewarded with a few handfuls of spaghetti.

Any day now I'm sure he'll be zooming around the house. It's so exciting!

Here are some Evan crawling videos!

Friday, March 11, 2011

oh no he di'int

So, I'm in line at the grocery store, my items are on the little conveyer belt and I have placed a divider between my items and the items of the person in front of me. A gentleman gets in line behind me and places his items on the belt behind mine. The cashier tells me my total and it was way too much for what I was buying. I look through the bags to find a few things that belonged to the man behind me. He had never put a divider down. I tell the cashier what's not mine and she asks the man if the items are his and he says, "No." WHAT? WEIRD.....and to top it off he stood very very close to me. I was wearing my baby in front and Evan could have reached out and touched him.....This happened to me twice this week. I don't get it. I was so irritated that I almost said, "You best step off me or yous about to get tow up!"

That's all.

Now for a cute little shot of the ears:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Evan is 7 Months!

Oh my, another month has flown by. My sweet baby boy is growing so fast. In the beginning I was willing him forward toward milestones but now I am desperately trying to slow the flow of luck yet.

My Dearest Evan,

I say it every month: I can't believe you are another month older. I can't believe we have already reached this point. You are such an amazing boy and I love watching you grow and discover. Your curiosity gives me such a kick. It's so much fun just to watch you play and figure out how to pick something up or reach something. A lot went on this month:

Daycare: We met a wonderful lady who now takes care of you while I'm at work. You have a little lady friend there that you just smile at whenever you see her, it's adorable! I'm so happy that you are in a safe, clean, caring environment. You come home happy everyday!

Feeding: You have continued your love affair with spaghetti this month. We have really expanded your food horizons with all sorts of new flavors. I can already tell you will have my sweet like fruit and the sweet stuff. You'll eat the veggies but aren't thrilled about it. You have enjoyed mac and cheese, muffins, baby veggie puffs, animal crackers, teething biscuits, green beans, acorn squash, parsnip and apple soup, french toast and more. I hope you continue your efforts to try new things. Feeding you real food has helped us to cook more healthy foods and has helped us try new things that we wouldn't otherwise. It's been fun!

Diapering: Oh, oh, oh my...Since you have been eating solids (thick purees and real food) twice a day, your diaper contents have been quite difficult for me to handle. I was NOT prepared. You are so squirmy and you get upset when I ruin your play time to change your diaper or if I am not going fast enough.

Activities: Since you can sit up on your own now, you have been playing with blocks and balls. You like to throw things and bang your hands on hard surfaces. You still enjoy rolling all over and you are as fast as ever. The most amazing thing this month is that you get up on all fours and rock back and forth. You attempt to bring your knee forward but are not quite sure what to do next. I can tell you'll be zooming around here in no time. You still love being outside and on days that aren't too chilly, we are sure to go for a walk. You have also started saying "Ba" it melts my heart to hear your little voice form sounds.

Stats: 26 inches long and 17lbs 3 oz at 6 months and 15 days. You are getting SO big. We had to go on another shopping spree for clothes because you keep growing out of everything.


You were such a happy boy this month! Watching you grow has been such a joy, Evan. You are the brightest part of my days, you're my sunshine!

Love Forever,


Saturday, March 5, 2011


Today was Evan's first time swimming. We attended a free baby swim class to see if this is something we'd like to continue. He loved it! He was so calm and relaxed (he loves baths so I'm not surprised). This is definitely something I will continue doing. It was fun for me to see him in a new environment and adjusting to it smoothly, watching the other kids and new faces and getting to spend time with my baby boy. He was a good sport because it was a bit chilly. The water was warm but the cool air getting out of the pool wasn't pleasant but he hung in there like a pro. I think these swimming lessons are incredibly important because swimming is such a typical thing for much of the year here in the desert. Pool parties, swimming at the grandparent's and going to the community pools and even the water parks will be something I can see Evan doing and I need to keep him safe by educating him. He is classified as a platypus (cute!) at swim school until he is one. As a platypus we are introduced to back floating (if they fall into a pool they can save themselves and call for help by immediately turning and floating on their backs), monkey walking (walking with their hands along the wall to find the steps to get out of the pool), kicking and getting out of the pool (one elbow on the wall, then the other, then a knee and then the other). I'm really excited about this. Of course I went all out buying his swimming attire....I got him cute little trunks, a swim top, hat, matching towel and shoes to wear afterwards....I couldn't help it!

It was funny, many of the instructors crowded around my sweet boy and kept saying how cute he was and how great it was that he was so calm and relaxed. I couldn't help but have a big grin plastered across my face the whole time. When we got home Evan crashed for a couple hours. Good workout, some mommy and son quality time, learning something new....that's time well spent. Dad snapped some pics for us to remember the moment:

Pre-swim snack: hands

 Monkey walk

 Monkey walk with teacher (See that poor dude in the background? He wasn't happy)

 Monkey walk with teacher

Flirting with another teacher

Back floating 

Can't wait to do it again! (Now I'm off to work on the 7 month post that I am late on.....)

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