Monday, February 27, 2012

Meet Collin

Collin was born Friday, February 24th at 1:13 p.m. He was 6 pounds 15 ounces and was 20 inches long. He is a handsome and awesome little guy. We are so excited to have him. We love him to pieces!

We are just resting, recuperating and enjoying are new family of 4.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Update- 37.5 weeks

I went to the hospital today. I had sharp belly pains all night last night and contractions this morning. It turned out to be ligament pain (this baby is going to be bigger than my first) and the contractions were irregular and not indicative of real labor. Oh my word they felt (and still feel) like real labor. They checked the fluid around the baby and all is well. They were concerned about his heart rate and used a buzzer to wake him up and get him moving. Oh boy, it worked. So, babies fine, mama is hanging on by a thread....

Clearly I have a low tolerance of pain. Every time the baby moves it feels like knives in my belly and like my insides are being ripped apart. This is proof that no 2 pregnancies are alike. I don't remember feeling like this with Evan. Even as I sit here and type, the pain is terrible.

I'm going to attempt sleep.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Scoop

Oh boy am I exhausted and ready to get the show on the road. I am HUGE.'s the scoop:

1) Bags are packed. I got a wake up call this week at my checkup. I am dilated 3 cm already. I know people can walk around like this for a while but it made everything real. This baby is on it's way whether it's tonight or 3 weeks from now. Life is going to change.

2) Evan loves Shrek. It's the only movie that holds his attention for more than 2 minutes. He actually sat with John for 30 minutes watching it while I cooked dinner tonight. I'm not one for using the tv as a baby sitter but it's nice to get a little break when I need to get dinner on the table. He usually sits in the kitchen with me and whines and cries because I'm not giving him 100% of my attention.

3) My last day of work before maternity leave was Friday. It's nice knowing I don't have to work tomorrow. I have a nice long list of to-do's but I've made sure to include rest on that list.

4) 2012 is the year of saving. We have been sooo good with keeping to our budget, paying off debt and saving. To keep my mind off of being huge and uncomfortable, I've taken to "window shopping" online, on pinterest and on blogs. I'm remodeling our house and making plans for it in 2013. It's been fun and a great way to change my focus from my discomfort and be creative. You can check my boards out here if you'd like.

5) I haven't posted pictures in a while. Here are some for fun!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Word on the Street

So. Had my checkup today (i'm 36.5 weeks) and baby could really come any time. I am dilated to a 3 which is funny to me because last time I was in the hospital way before I was a 3 since my water broke. I thought I was so far along and requested my epidural since the pain was so intense. I was only a 3 at the time I requested it....

I've been busy preparing for the baby's arrival. All the clothes are washed and folded, crib is cleaned and made with a fresh new sheet and his very own new blanket along with a little love (a giraffe). Originally I was going to do all kinds of cooking and freezing of foods and goodies. Truth be told. I'm too tired. Instead I've been making DIY baby books and creating a photo book at  and watching tv with John and generally soaking in the routine we've gotten so use to. Since all that is going to change. Soon.

So that's that. Our world is going to be turned upside down again and I'm excited and nervous all in one.

Friday, February 3, 2012

February Focus: Get Ready for #2!

January went okay for us. My focus was strong in the first week of the 21 day yoga challenge but slowly tapered off....midway during the 2nd week I started skipping days and by the 3rd week wasn't practicing at all due to a cranky, teether, sleepless toddler and a family stomach bug. It wasn't pretty. And I totally missed my practice. January showed me how much I love and need yoga to boost my energy and loosen up my tense and overworked body as well as a way to rest my mind. I hope to incorporate yoga at least 3 times a week. We also ate more vegetarian meals and I felt really good about it. I didn't do so hot in the area of getting more sleep. There's just so much to do and I only made myself go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual but that's a start! Thanks January, for making me remember the importance of focusing on health.

February: time to get ready for baby #2. This means on the weekends and after Evan goes to bed, we'll be washing baby clothes, getting the hospital bag packed, making freezable meals and cleaning up the baby gear (swing, crib, carriers, car seat etc). I've again added the need to get sleep by turning in earlier since I'll wish I had in about a month!

Truth be told, I started a side project....I was totally hooked when I saw the Young House Love DIY baby book and had to do one for both boys. Each night for about 30 minutes, I have been working on making my own little baby books and I've really enjoyed it, too. I forget how being creative helps reduce stress, too. Once those are closer to being done, I'll show you.

So's not part of the get-ready-for-baby-#2 focus but I'm having fun doing it and it keeps my mind off how uncomfortable I am feeling these days.

Here's to February! What are you focusing on this month?

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