Monday, October 18, 2010


As my maternity leave comes to an end (only 2 weeks left...) I find myself getting teary eyed (and even full blown sobbing) at the thought of leaving my sweet baby boy for 8 or more hours a day. I never realized how hard this would be. We have spent everyday together learning about each other and me finding ways to entertain him. He's been my sidekick and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I knew this magical time would end but it just came so fast....

Everyday we do tummy time, play, sing, dance, read, nap and explore. Naps with my little dude are so relaxing. I sometimes just stare at him while he sleeps. He puts his little arm around me and snuggles in close. I'll miss our naps. I'll miss our play time. I'll miss our moments together that bring me such joy. I'll miss him.

I try and do an outing each day and we've been everywhere. I took Evan to Petsmart and showed him the birds and fish and he just stared and stared. I took him by the Hallmark window to show him the Halloween decorations. He really enjoys lights. I'll miss the moments where he is so intrigued by something that he just stares and makes little "o's" with his mouth.

I know we will spend time together on the weekends but I have just been so spoiled with getting to be with him all day every day. I went shopping for work clothes last weekend and John hung out with Evan. I felt so sad. I have separation anxiety I guess.....See I know Evan will be fine and well taken care of. I know he will have fun meeting new people and watching the other babies's me who will have the problems. I don't want to miss anything and I feel like I'll be missing a huge chunk of Evan's baby stages and milestones.

This week we are doing a test run, pretending like I am going to work. So, waking up like I would (5am) and getting dressed and preparing Evan for the day. WOW, this is hard. I am also trying not to take any naps since I won't be taking naps at work. Needless to say, I am exhausted. This is going to be tough.

I will cherish the moments that Evan and I have shared during these few months. He is growing so fast. We have learned so much about each other and he has taught me things about myself as well. I am lucky to be his mama.

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