Saturday, July 2, 2011

Filling in the Blanks

Today I helped my friend A build her baby registry. I had so much fun. It brought back memories of doing mine last year. As we walked through each section of the store, I pictured Evan using the various items throughout his 1st year. I had to choke back a few tears more than once. His 1st year flew by. He no longer uses his bouncy chair, is too big for a baby bath tub, doesn't wear 3 month old clothing and said good-bye to breast milk months ago.

Planning my son's 1st birthday party has made me run through these memories, too. It's fleeting.  It's a bittersweet thing, this 1st birthday. My squishy newborn is gone and my explorative toddler is emerging. Hours of cuddling are distant memories and his independence is strong. I'll stop before the tears come and I can't make out the computer screen. Of course, I'll do all kinds of gushing in his 12 month post.

John and I have survived Evan's 1st year. Through the tough sleepless nights, fussy days and teething pain to the amazing milestones like smiling, laughing and crawling. We made it. I don't want to forget the details.

So, after leaving my friend A, I began to think of all the things that helped get us through it. I plan on writing a series of posts related to baby's 1st year. Recording my notes on anything from how we spent our days after John went back to work (alone with the baby for the first time ahh!) to finding our routine and even baby care. I hope this helps your need for real life application but it will also be my reference so I don't forget the details if I am ever blessed enough to have another child.

I've already posted about preparing for and surviving labor and delivery (part 1 and part 2), useful baby items for 0 to 6 months, my personal account of L&D, and my life as a mama-the early weeks along with many other tid bits and insights in mamahood. I want to fill in the blanks. If you're like me you'll read the books, visit the popular baby websites and begin by strictly following them. Good! You're a good mama. Yet, I also think you'll find your own rhythm by combining the books, other people's experiences and your own style.

Maybe it's because my confidence has grown as my child reaches new milestones. Maybe it's my need to share with my peers. Maybe it's because I feel I'm leaving behind the title of "new mom" as we begin year 2.

Are there any topics you'd like to hear about? Leave me a comment!

Is your baby turning 1 soon? Lets cry and smile together.

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