Saturday, August 20, 2011

Official Announcement

Okay, I have to come clean with you. I've been on a blogging hiatus because....I'm pregnant!
It's true, baby #2 is on the way. We've known for a couple of weeks now and just recently had the confirmation appointment. Baby #2 will join us near the end of March 2012! John and I are very excited!
I've been ultra tired and was nauseous for a few weeks but I seem to be getting some energy back and haven't had much in the way of nausea this week. I'm just not that interested in food....which is really weird for me.
I was pretty concerned about my mid-section popping out I'm showing and I'm not that far along. The doctor informed me that a lot of women pop quickly with the 2nd child because their muscles have already been stretched out. Lovely. I'm already wearing maternity clothes. I've tried to fight it but it hurts and makes me feel uncomfortable to wear my normal clothes.
So there it is. The official announcement. We are having another baby. ANOTHER baby. Another BABY. I'm terrified, can you tell? I'm just nervous to be juggling two but I'm also excited for the experience.
I'm off to get catch some zzz's now!

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